What is Chakras?
Chakras are invisible, spinning energy centres in our etheric bodies, each of which is connected to part of the endocrine system within our physical bodies. Every chakra is governed by a particular colour and has a part to play in our health and wellbeing.
The seven main chakras are:
- Violet (Crown Chakra)
- Indigo (Brow or third eye chakra)
- Blue (Throat chakra)
- Green (Heart Chakra)
- Yellow (Solar plexus chakra)
- Orange(Sacral Chakra)
- Red (Base or root chakra)
Violet (Crown Chakra)
The crown chakra is placed above the top of the head. This chakra works with brain function and the pineal gland. It relates to fulfilment, peace and harmony and helps you connect to the rest of the universe.
Indigo (Brow or third eye chakra)
The brow, or third eye, chakra is located in the centre of the forehead and this rules the pituitary gland, which governs the production of hormones in all other glands. This chakra influences your intuition and your ability to use knowledge and power wisely.
Blue (Throat chakra)
The throat centre is found – naturally enough – at the throat and it works with the thyroid gland. This chakra helps us to express ourselves in speech and is the centre of ommunication. It helps us to identify our needs and sensitivities and to express these.
Green (Heart Chakra)
The heart chakra sits to the right of the heart and balances its physical functioning, as well as regulating our blood pressure. It also governs our lungs. Emotionally, it affects our ability to love and to feel compassion and sympathy. The heart chakra helps maintain balance and harmony in our lives.
Yellow (Solar plexus chakra)
The solar plexus is under the diaphragm and governs liver and pancreatic function. The digestive system is affected by this chakra,, as is the nervous system and co-ordination. Intellectual faculties are stimulated here and this chakra makes you an active, rather than a reactive, person.
Orange (Sacral Chakra)
The sacral chakra sits below the navel and is associated with the sexual/reproductive organs and the adrenal glands, controlling the flow of fluids within the body. This is the seat of emotions and our sexuality. It strengthens the immune system and helps fight off harmful energies.
Red (Base or root chakra)
The base, or root, chakra set at the base of the spine, literally the 'seat of power' in our bodies. It grounds us and governs our most earthly selves; when open, it strengthens our will and personal power. Spiritually, this is the chakra that helps us identify our purpose on earth.