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FAQ's about Healing By Rainbow.

Field Of Flowers


Who can benefit from colour therapy?

Everybody can benefit from this delightful, non-invasive holistic therapy. Your energies can be polarised, to make you feel generally better. If you are having difficulties with communication, emotional blockages, feeling sad or depressed or generally not yourself, colour therapy can help you. Holistic therapies treat the whole person, with or without illness or problems but if these are present, they will be addressed as a matter of course. Everyone can benefit.

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How can I absorb colour through my skin?

Your skin will naturally absorb colour from daylight, your clothes and your surroundings. This means that you can decide to absorb the colours you want on any given day and can wear them or ensure that they are present around you. You will naturally absorb all the colours of sunlight, so as long as you spend part of every day outside and allow your eyes and skin to be exposed to the light, you will receive some of every colour.

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How will I know what colours I need?

You can leave it to instinct; choose the colour that draws your attention when you see it. A colour therapist can give you more guidance towards choosing colours for specific purposes.

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What are chakras?

'Chakra' is the Sanskrit word for 'wheel'. The chakras in the body are spinning wheels of energy which exist in our etheric body, just beyond the physical body. Each chakra is of one predominant colour, though it contains some of each of the others. Their dominant colours are listed below and each chakra plays a part towards keeping us at our best.

  • Violet : Crown chakra
  • Indigo : Brow or third eye chakra
  • Blue : Throat chakra
  • Green : Heart chakra
  • Yellow : Solar plexus chakra
  • Orange : Sacral chakra
  • Red : Base or root chakra

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Can I eat and drink the colours I need?

Yes. The colour must be the natural colour of the food and this is a good reason to eat food that is grown or produced locally. The earth provides food of the necessary colours for us during the seasons: the colour of food is a good indicator of its nutritional content. For instance, Vitamin C is usually present in orange foods.

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